100%Natural and organic Handmade food grade quality of babycare products.
The word "Esoteric" means hidden knowledge, choosen by very few, being selective to acknowledge the higher/better truth.
In this context..
The Esoteric Moms means mothers who are selective and choosy to put forth the best when it comes to their babies/Kids.
Why did we created The Esoteric Moms because we are selective in delivering 100% organic and natural, homemade, high quality products for the babies and mothers-to-be. Babies have tender and gentle skin and they don't need too much of exposure to harsh chemicals right from their birth. They seek purity, quality, love, pamperness, freshness and softness.
At Giggles we make sure everything is made fresh, organic, natural, chemical free, with zero fragrance and preservatives.
Our Mission speaks for "baby in the pink"